One of the main reasons that I started blogging was to help people. I wanted to motivate “self-help” style legal solutions by taking the knowledge that I have as an attorney and making it available on the web.
Can Currently Non-Collectible (CNC) Status Stop the FTB?
Sometimes your financial fortunes take a turn for the worse, and you find yourself owing back taxes to the Franchise Tax Board. You don’t even have two coins to rub together, much less make installment payments, yet you are looking for an alternative to filing for bankruptcy. An Offer in Compromise is also off the table; you just don’t have the money.
Facts about Franchise Tax Board Settlements
The California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) has authority to settle administrative civil tax disputes. The civil tax disputes include those that arise out of protests, appeals or refund claims filed by taxpayers.
4 Frequently Asked Questions about California State Taxes
As a tax attorney, I get asked a lot of questions everyday regarding – you guessed it – the rather specialized world of California taxation. To be sure, some questions are asked more frequently than others. In light of this, I’ve given some thought to four frequently asked questions and hope that my answers provide you with the information that you’re interested in.
Know about Tax Debt before Filing for Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy may feel like accidentally stepping off a cliff – it’s not something most people can mentally prepare themselves for in advance.
How Does the FTB Handle Business Tax Collections?
The people who administer state tax laws generally show up in the news only when a newsworthy case is reported, typically one involving tax evasion, a “big fish” going to jail for not paying taxes.
How to Process Employee Withholding Orders for Taxes
In an earlier chapter, we touched on wage garnishment as a means for the FTB to collect unpaid taxes. However, the other side of the fence can be if you are an employer and are called upon by the FTB to garnish wages of any of your employees.