California Payroll Tax Audits and Defending Independent Contractors

You may be familiar with or have heard of a twelve-factor test or a three-factor test or a lot of different tests that the EDD supposedly uses to classify independent contractors.

Through my years of professional experience and time spent in a lot of California payroll tax audits, I will just tell you that a lot of this stuff is bogus.

Audits of independent contractors essentially come down to two things:

  1. revenue generation, and
  2. control.

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Employee Payroll Taxes: How the EDD Handles Misclassified Workers

Managing employee payroll taxes can get quite complicated, with a number of areas being particularly opaque. One of those is the question of employee classification; is a person properly classified as a worker or an independent contractor?

Misclassifying workers as independent contractors carries with it some significant consequences, including penalties and even potential fraud prosecution, so it is a topic worth exploring in some detail.

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California Payroll Tax: SUI, ETT, SDI & PIT Employer Guide

The California payroll tax structure for an employer in this state is based on four distinct taxes, commonly referred to as the CA SUI, ETT, SDI, and PIT payroll taxes. There are different rates for each of these taxes and the calculation methods are different as well.

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Classifying Employees and Independent Contractors

classifying employees and independent contractors

You have hired someone to do work for you. Is that person an employee or an independent contractor?

The answer is important because misclassifying an employee as an independent contractor, whether intentionally or through ignorance, can land you in court and in debt for payroll taxes.

There are several tests from a variety of regulatory agencies that are used to try to determine employment status and occasionally changes are made to the standards. Even if you classified certain of your workers correctly before, you might need to revisit the question to ensure you remain in compliance.

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How to Handle an EDD Lien: Notification, Contributions, and Penalties

how to handle an EDD lien

As a business owner, you are responsible for paying payroll taxes and filing periodic reports in accordance with your obligations. If you do not do so, you risk having a lien recorded against your property by the EDD. The details of tax liens are confusing to many people, but it’s important to understand what a lien is, why they are issued, and what your options are to avoid or discharge the lien.

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An Introduction to Payroll Tax Fraud: EDD Investigations

payroll tax fraud

Payroll tax fraud can occur either through deliberate criminal activity or simply because an employer or employee has provided inaccurate or incomplete information.  The Employment Development Department (EDD) takes payroll tax fraud extremely seriously, so it is imperative that you understand the ways in which fraud can occur and take the necessary steps to avoid committing fraud.

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