Lindsay Pyfrom

Associate Attorney

Lindsay Pyfrom moved from Los Angeles County to San Diego “because it seemed like a pretty cool place.” She attended San Diego State University, majoring in psychology with a minor in business.

How did Pyfrom end up working in taxation? “A lot of things that just happened or didn’t go according to plan but worked out fortunately…I wanted to go into the psychology/therapist role, but I did not have the correct credentials to get into a master’s program,” she said.

Following in her father’s footsteps, “who’s been a lawyer forever,” Pyfrom entered the Thomas Jefferson School of Law and graduated in 2014 with Honors: Negotiations Theory & Skills and Pro Bono Honors. “Once I graduated, I tried to go directly into the legal practice and couldn’t find a job there,” she said. 

Instead, Pyfrom found work at H&R Block as a Lead Tax Research Specialist and later as a QA Analyst. She was soon recognized as a consistent high performer. She also provided responses to complex or nuanced tax law, regulations, and procedures for clients while reviewing their tax documents for completeness and accuracy. 

In her role as a QA Analyst, she integrated various tax preparation software products across multiple platforms and ensured the accuracy of product content and calculations during production. 

Passing her CA State Bar exam in January 2021, Pyfrom found work as a legal writer with the Carlsbad Law Group, reviewing client files and writing demand letters, and applying applicable law to contract disputes. 

“My father told me I had to be a lawyer, and when a parent tells you must do something, that can make things a little difficult. I didn’t think law was going to happen, and did not see taxes coming from a mile away. But it worked and surprisingly my psychology background is also helpful in dealing with people who are stressed out about their taxes. I like being the person who says, ‘This isn’t your problem anymore, I’m going to handle it, and does.’” 

When asked about any pivotal points during her career search, Pyfrom laughed and said “I’d call them friendly universal reminders. Like finding yourself in a difficult relationship and realizing you like to argue – not that I am an instigator, but once I start in, I can’t drop it.” 

She continued, “I don’t like people telling me I’m wrong when I’m not wrong and I’m not going to let it drop. I think everyone has experienced this at one time or another,” she grinned, “and if they haven’t, God bless ‘em, it’s coming.”




When asked whether she’d like to mention any accomplishments, Pyfrom gave it a minute’s thought and said “Raising my Pit Bull, Ruffio. I had a tenant who got him as a puppy and didn’t realize he couldn’t deal with the animal when he got to 80 pounds, so I adopted him. Pit Bulls are misunderstood. They don’t realize their heads feel like concrete when they run into you.”

In her free time, Pyfrom enjoys cartoons, gardening, and crystals. Now and then she’ll visit her friend’s house to play with his Dogo Argentino. “The breed looks a lot like the Pit Bull and is considered internationally as dangerous. When I approach the house, he sounds as though he’d like to shred me but is really a lovable animal.”

Brotman Law is happy to have Pyfrom join our team as associate attorney. It should be said that anyone who has a law degree and loves to play with Pit Bulls and Dogo Argentinos probably won’t easily back down to IRS and CA tax agents, some of whom are also known to have thick skulls and hard heads. 



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