Brotman Law May 5, 2024 15 min read

ERTC Audit Defense Essentials for North Dakota Businesses

ERC Audit Defense for North Dakota: A How-To

In North Dakota, where the economy is bolstered by sectors ranging from energy production in Williston to agriculture in Fargo and small businesses in Bismarck, the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) has provided critical financial support during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a federal initiative, the ERTC aids eligible businesses that maintained their workforce amid economic challenges. However, benefiting from this program also exposes businesses to the possibility of IRS audits. To navigate these audits successfully, North Dakota businesses need to thoroughly understand ERTC requirements and strategic audit defense mechanisms.

This article will explore tailored strategies for ERTC audit defense suitable for North Dakota's diverse business landscape, emphasizing the role of tax attorneys in ensuring a robust defense and detailing the proactive steps businesses can take to prepare for potential audits.

Understanding the ERTC in North Dakota and the Impact of North Dakota Orders Related to COVID-19

The ERTC offers a refundable tax credit for businesses that kept employees on the payroll during significant operational challenges due to COVID-19. To qualify, businesses must show either a considerable decline in gross receipts or that their operations were fully or partially suspended by government order.

Although not a complete list, here's an overview of ten significant COVID-19 orders issued in North Dakota during 2020 and 2021 that impacted businesses, particularly in terms of the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) and audit defenses:

  • State of Emergency Declared by Governor Burgum (March 2020): This foundational order allowed North Dakota to implement subsequent COVID-19 restrictions and relief measures, influencing businesses' ability to maintain operations and retain employees.
  • Closure of Non-Essential Businesses (April 2020): Non-essential businesses were temporarily shut down, directly affecting their revenue and complicating ERTC claims due to employee furloughs.
  • Mask Mandate in Indoor Public Spaces and Businesses (November 14, 2020): Required masks in public indoor settings, impacting customer-facing businesses and their operational procedures, relevant to ERTC claims regarding maintaining safe work environments.
  • Capacity Restrictions for Restaurants, Bars, and Event Venues (November 2020): Limited capacity affected the hospitality sector's revenue streams and operational viability, impacting ERTC eligibility related to revenue loss and employee retention.
  • Extension of Unemployment Benefits (2020): Enhanced unemployment benefits affected employee retention strategies, potentially complicating ERTC claims for businesses trying to keep employees on payroll.
  • North Dakota Smart Restart Protocols (April 2020): Provided guidelines for businesses to safely reopen, affecting their ability to claim ERTC by demonstrating adherence to safety protocols to maintain employee health.
  • Mandatory Quarantine for Close Contacts (April 2020): Influenced staffing levels as employees had to comply with quarantine requirements, affecting businesses' ability to operate at full capacity and maintain ERTC eligibility.
  • Health Order Extending Mask Mandates and Social Distancing (December 2020): Continued requirements for safety measures in business operations, relevant for ERTC audit defense concerning employee safety and operational adjustments.
  • Relaxation of Business Hours for Bars and Restaurants(December 21, 2020): Allowed these establishments to return to normal operating hours, aiding in economic recovery and influencing the period for which ERTC could be claimed.
  • Termination of Selective COVID-19 Orders (December 18, 2020): Marked a shift towards fewer restrictions, affecting how businesses planned their operations and ERTC claims moving forward.

Governor Doug Burgum's administration took several actions to balance public health with economic activity, significantly influencing how businesses could operate and claim the ERTC. These orders provided the regulatory framework that businesses needed to navigate to maintain their eligibility for the credit and prepare for potential audits. Governor Burgum's orders shaped immediate business responses and their long-term strategies for recovery and growth post-pandemic.

Impact of COVID-19 on North Dakota's Key Cities

The impact of COVID-19 on North Dakota's key cities was profound and varied across different sectors, reflecting the diverse economic bases of these areas. Each city faced its own set of challenges, influenced by local industries and the state's public health responses.

  • Fargo: As the largest city in North Dakota and a hub for education, healthcare, and retail, Fargo experienced a wide range of government restrictions that affected each sector differently. Universities had to shift rapidly to online learning, disrupting the academic calendar and student life. Healthcare facilities were on high alert, managing increased patient loads while facing restrictions impacting non-emergency services. Retail businesses, especially small local shops, navigated through periods of reduced operation or complete closure, severely impacting revenue and employment. The diverse impact across these sectors influenced Fargo businesses' eligibility and claims for the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC), requiring them to adapt rapidly to maintain their workforce and comply with shifting regulations.
  • Bismarck: In the state capital, the pandemic restrictions impacted a spectrum of operations from government services to local businesses. State government offices implemented remote work policies, which altered the dynamics of public service delivery. Local enterprises, including restaurants, boutiques, and service providers, faced limitations on customer capacity and operational hours. These changes not only affected their immediate financial health but also posed challenges in retaining employees, a key factor for successful ERTC claims.
  • Williston: Known primarily for its robust oil production, Williston faced unique economic challenges as the global demand for oil plummeted. The downturn in the oil market led to a significant reduction in operational activities and workforce requirements. This downturn drastically affected the local economy, which is heavily dependent on the oil sector. Many businesses in Williston had to make tough decisions regarding layoffs and furloughs, complicating their ability to meet the criteria for ERTC benefits.
  • Grand Forks: This city, with a strong presence of public institutions and retail sectors, saw considerable disruptions due to COVID-19. The closure of the U.S. border with Canada, critical for cross-border trade and tourism, compounded the economic impact. Retailers and hospitality providers, already reeling from internal restrictions, faced additional losses from the decrease in cross-border traffic. The dual hit to both public and commercial sectors required businesses in Grand Forks to navigate complex scenarios for claiming ERTC, as they balanced decreased revenues with the need to retain employees amidst ongoing uncertainties.

These localized impacts across North Dakota underline the complexity of managing business operations during the pandemic. They also highlight the critical role of the ERTC in helping businesses navigate financial challenges and retain employees during unprecedented times. Each city's response to the pandemic, while tailored to its unique economic and social landscape, underscores the broader challenge of balancing public health with economic stability.

How Businesses Can Defend Themselves Against ERTC Audits

In North Dakota, navigating the complexities of the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) has been a critical task for businesses striving to mitigate the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This effort, however, comes with the challenge of facing potential IRS audits, which aim to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of ERTC claims. Understanding the triggers and preparing for these audits requires meticulous attention to detail and strategic planning.

Triggers for IRS ERTC Audits in North Dakota

ERTC audits are designed to verify that the claims made by businesses are both accurate and legitimate. In North Dakota, several factors can trigger these audits:

  • Discrepancies in Data: One of the most common triggers for an audit is the presence of inconsistencies or discrepancies in the data provided in ERTC claims compared to other tax returns. Such discrepancies might suggest to the IRS that there was either an error or a misrepresentation in the data reported by the business.
  • Size of the Claims: Claims that appear unusually large or disproportionate to the business size or to what is typical within the industry can also raise red flags. The IRS looks for outliers as potential signs of erroneous or fraudulent claims.
  • Random Selection: Additionally, a business might be selected for an audit as part of the IRS's routine enforcement activities, which include random checks to ensure widespread compliance with tax laws.

Essential Documentation for ERTC Audit Defense

To robustly defend an ERTC claim during an audit, North Dakota businesses must ensure they have comprehensive documentation readily available:

  • Detailed Payroll Records: It's crucial to maintain clear records showing the continuation of employee wages during eligible periods. These records serve as direct evidence of the business’s commitment to retaining its workforce, a central requirement for ERTC eligibility.
  • Financial Statements: These should clearly illustrate the decline in business revenue correlated to pandemic-related disruptions. Accurate financial statements are vital for demonstrating the financial impact of the pandemic on the business, which is a key criterion for ERTC eligibility.
  • Government Orders and Compliance Records: Documentation on how specific federal and state mandates affected business operations is also essential. These records help prove that any operational changes or interruptions were directly due to government-imposed restrictions, aligning with the ERTC requirements.

Proactive Steps for ERTC Audit Preparation

In anticipation of potential audits, North Dakota businesses can adopt several proactive strategies to ensure they are well-prepared:

  • Routine Reviews and Updates: Regularly reviewing and updating documentation related to ERTC claims can help catch and correct any discrepancies before they result in an audit. This includes revising payroll and financial records to ensure ongoing accuracy.
  • Consultations with Tax Professionals: Engaging with tax experts or attorneys who specialize in tax law and ERTC regulations can provide businesses with up-to-date information and strategic advice on maintaining compliance and effectively responding to IRS audits.
  • Mock Audits: Conducting internal or third-party mock audits can be a prudent measure. These simulated audits help identify any potential weaknesses in the business’s audit preparation and allow for corrections in a controlled environment.

By understanding the audit triggers and maintaining essential documentation, businesses in North Dakota can effectively navigate the complexities of ERTC audits. This preparation not only aids in defending against audits but also ensures that businesses can continue to benefit from this crucial financial support during challenging times.

Conclusion: Safeguarding North Dakota Businesses Through Effective ERTC Audit Defense

For North Dakota businesses leveraging the ERTC, proactive preparation and strategic planning are key to navigating potential audits. Understanding local economic conditions, maintaining rigorous documentation, and engaging with knowledgeable tax attorneys are critical steps in ensuring that businesses can defend their ERTC claims effectively. With these practices in place, businesses across North Dakota can continue to benefit from the ERTC while being well-prepared for any IRS scrutiny.

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-Aileen Dwight, Licensed Clinical Social Worker & Psychotherapist

Last updated: July 22, 2024

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